Thursday, December 17, 2009

Mountains and Valleys

My father-in-law said to me this week..."It seems like every mountain top experience that the Lord leads us through, He then walks us through a valley." Well, I know that our adoption of Micah was our mountain top experience this year, and now we are heading into our valley. This week I was diagnosed with breast cancer. We are still trying to absorb this information and all that it means. As we head into the holiday season with our family, I do have one certainty.

Two years ago, I might have questioned, "Does God really care about the intimate details of my life?" Today, I cannot question. I look at Micah and I know for sure that God does. I believe that God allowed us to have a mountain top experience in our adoption with Micah. He showed us that He is not a God who just sits in heaven and is far removed. He wants a relationship with us and to be involved in our lives. He loves us so deeply...ALL of us. Even the smallest of these, like a little orphan boy in a small orphanage in the middle of India. He also showed us that He will get intimately involved in our lives and will provide for every need in ways we cannot fathom.

Now as I sit here on the brink, I believe that God is going to walk through this valley with us in the same way. If I begin to doubt or question, all I have to do is to look at Micah and I have the reassurance of God's hand of love, design, and provision on my family's life. I don't understand why this is happening, but I will try to walk with the assurance that I am God's, that He loves me dearly, and that as I go through the storm, I am safe in the palm of His hand.


CV said...

Candice. So sorry for your news. Please know that your family is in our thoughts and prayers.

Christine Vaupel

The Labontes said...

Candice, We will be praying for you and your family. That you feel God's presence throughout this journey, and come through it with a new strength.

Lots of love from Maine,

ColleenC said...

Candice- What strength and resolution you show already in these words! I am so, so sorry that you have to go through this and will be thinking of you often and praying for you and your family!

Robin and Billy said...

You are totally right! He who brought you this far isn't going to leave you, but instead He will walk with you.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve prayed for you between yesterday and today, but I promise to bombard heaven upon your behalf. I wish you could have heard the kids praying for you last night. It was precious. I know that in our home little voices will be praying on your behalf for a long time to come.

You are a precious gift from heaven and I am thankful to call you my friend.

We love you,
Robin, Billy, Heidi, Micah, and Noah

Pam said...

I carried our conversation all day with me yesterday. Praying for you dear friend. I shared your story briefly at our ladies group last night, they will be praying. Sending you hugs from KY!

Kristi W. said...

Praying for you Candice. I really wanted to call you yesterday but somehow haven't managed to find that number I got from you way back when. I left you mine in my message yesterday but I know you are busy and everyone is probably calling you. I can't begin to understand how you feel or even if you are up for talking but please know that I will always be praying and am available as a listening ear.


Not By Chance said...


What a vessel you are of God's love. I pray that this valley will lead you to a moutain top ...

Praying for you....

Susie and Family

Sara said...

Praying for you, Candice. The Lord is already using you for His glory through your words and life. He is near!

The Pfeiffer Family said...

Candice, I am so sorry to hear this news. You are right that God will be there for you during this difficult time. He is so faithful to not leave us or forsake us. I will be praying for you and your family. How awesome that God brought Micah into your life as a constant reminder of His faithfulness and love.


Traci said...

Though we've never met, you've provided me encouragement time and time again. Now I commit to pray for your encouragement, health, family, peace, & strength.

Blake, Alisha, and Jackson said...

We are praying for you and your sweet family. You are such a Godly woman, and such a servant of the Lord. I pray that God continues to give you strength and grace for each moment. Love you.

jasonliberty said...

Candice, I am so very sorry! Your post has me in tears. Please know that my family will be holding you up in prayer through this journey! I will also be having my womans bible study pray!

Love Liberty

Peter and Nancy said...

What a shock for you and your family. I will join the ranks of so many who are praying for you. I'm so grateful you have God to lean on through this confusing, painful time -- and glad that you know the Gospel is true even in these incredibly difficult moments. That knowledge is our only bedrock in this life.
With love,

Julie & Patrick said...

So sorry Candice to hear this news. You are in my prayers too. Praying that your questions will be answered, and your path to care and recovery are clear.

Julie R

Amy said...

I am so sorry! I am praying for God's strength and grace to carry you through. I know He will work everything out for your good - even the hard things. Much love from Alabama!

SarahinOK said...

I'm praying too that God would walk with you through this valley. He is so faithful and won't leave you or forsake you. Your adoption journey has been such an encouragement to me.

Fenwick 5 said...

You are totally right...God's eye is upon you. God loves his children and he will never leave or forsake them. After my surgery last year..the Lord spoke to me and said "Be still and know that I am God." God will be carrying u thru this time and I will be carrying you in prayer. Gidget:)

theheartofachild said...

I am so sorry! You will be in my prayers. I wanted to share with you the story of my friend and president of our congregation and how 10 years ago her cancer brought her closer to the Lord than ever and now she is a published author and speaker. Here is a link to her book, Grace for Each Hour by Mary Nelson:

Leveta said...

I have always been a lurker before and so enjoyed looking at pics of all your beautiful children and hearing updates on Micah but had to post now and let you know that I am praying for you and I am so sorry about your news.The song--"He's got the whole world in His hands...."He's got the mama's and the daddy's in His hands"--I know has taken on a whole new meaning for you.Praying you feel his presence and feel His presence in a very big way.
Leveta-Mom to Chad 17 (bio) Sam 14 and Kaitrin 10 both from India through Dillon

Coffman said...

You are under the care of The Great Physician...keep resting in Him! We are praying for you-Scott & Robin