Thursday, September 30, 2010

Adoption Awareness

As we near November 7th, National Adoption Awareness Sunday, my thoughts are focused again on adoption. As an adoptive parent and adoption advocate, I am frustrated as to why so many families don't see the need for them to adopt. At the same time, to be fair, I remember the very real fears and uncertainties that the devil sent my way while we were in process, trying to get me to back out. I wish people could see their excuses for what they are, and see into God's heart for the fatherless.
  1. We are not comfortable with the thought of adoption. The scriptures constantly confirm that we were not left on this earth to be comfortable. That is one of the biggest tools of the devil. If we get comfortable we lose the will to act. Adoption is not about our comfort. It's about the life of a child who will never have a family unless we are obedient. True faith requires action and true love requires sacrifice. John 3:16
  2. We cannot afford to adopt. This is also a lie of the devil and an affront to the provision of God. We are really saying, "God, this one is to big for You to provide for, so we cannot obey in this area." We can never be in debt to God and if we are acting upon His heart and His commands, He is willing and ready to provide. So many miracles are missed because we hold too much to our security in our money and we fail to trust God. Luke 12:13-34
  3. We need to pray about adopting. We don't need to pray about doing something God has already commanded. He says over and over again that caring for the orphan is what true religion looks like. Instead, ask God to open the doors where He desires and then step out where God leads! James 1:27
  4. We are too old to adopt. This excuse may be valid for some legally, but not in the eyes of God. He gives us so many options in scripture. He constantly speaks of taking care of the orphan or the fatherless, the stranger, and the widow. We already know that adoption requires leaving our comfort zone, making a sacrifice of time and money, and stepping out to actually do something. What could that look like?
  • Adopting an orphan is obvious, but what about "the fatherless?" That could be a single mother who needs some help, or even a military wife whose husband is overseas. How could you incorporate the family into yours? How could you help them meet their needs?
  • The stranger could be a homeless person, a neighbor you have not met, a foreign exchange student at the local college who has no family in this country. How could you meet their physical needs? Could you share your holidays with them?
  • Widows are your church, in a nursing home, on your street, etc. Do you know a widow with no family that cares for them? Can you adopt them into your family?
I wish everyone could see that adoption is possible. Adopt a child, adopt a widow, adopt a stranger, adopt a family. It does not matter, just do it. But, remember that adoption is not comfortable and it will cost you something. To adopt us, Christ left His home and all His riches and gave up His very life. By choosing to obey and love, the blessings you and your family will receive will last into eternity! Matthew 25:31-46

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Adoption Fever

It may sound crazy to some that after adopting 1 child, I am ready to adopt another. I guess you could say I have Adoption Fever! Once you have seen where your child could have been, and you have fallen in love with your child, and you see how close you could have come to missing the incredible, life-changing gift from God that adoption brings to your family, it is hard to not want to do it again with another child.

People say that I am husband included. :) I realize that I already have 4 children and I am currently going through treatments for breast cancer, but I just can't help myself. I realize the timing is not for right now, but I am holding out hope for the future. I realize that my children will not have everything other children have and they will not get to go everywhere and experience everything that other kids do, but somehow that is not important to me. My heart is elsewhere and I hope that my treasure, while meager here on earth, will be much greater in Heaven someday. If I follow God's heart, I am not worried about His ability to provide!

So, that being said, right now God is whispering to my heart that He can help us to care for another child. I don't know what that might look like, or what the future holds for us, but I am waiting with anticipation to see what the Lord will do!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Shoes for Orphan Souls

This week at our church we are concluding our Shoes for Orphan Souls shoe drive. It is the first year we have acted as a host drop-off site for shoes. I am particularly excited about this ministry now that I know who they are! It is a ministry of Buckner International. Buckner was an adoption/humanitarian agency that recently joined forces and merged with Dillon International another adoption/humanitarian agency. Dillon is the adoption agency we used for our adoption! Now, Buckner is able to do all the humanitarian side and Dillon handles the adoption side. It makes both agencies able to do so much more!

Please check out the links above. Especially the one for Shoes for Orphan Souls. Since 1999 they have distributed over 2 million pairs of shoes to orphans around the world, while at the same time sharing God's love with the children! What an awesome ministry! Check it out!