Friday, September 4, 2009

Cookie Dough or God?

Yesterday afternoon I was in the kitchen fixing supper and overheard a conversation between my 3rd grade daughter and "G," a friend from her school. This young man and his family go to church with us, and he rode home with us from school to wait till his mom could pick him up. He is a little sweetheart. His mom and I have decided that since I am going to be incorporating some Indian holidays into our family, that I should consider adding in an Indian tradition as well...namely arranged marriage! Of course we would not let our kiddos know that they were betrothed until they were older so that we wouldn't embarrass them. :)

Anyway, I had just made some chocolate chip cookie dough and before I could bake the cookies, they wanted a spoonful of dough. Everyone knows the dough is the best part, so I gave them each a big spoonful and they walked into the living room. After just a minute, I heard "G" ask my daughter, "Which is better, cookie dough or God?" She just laughed and said, "God!" Then he laughed too and said, "Yeah, God is better than anything." I just had to laugh. I think my cookie dough is pretty good and they must have too since they were comparing it to God. :) I also love how children just love God with a perfect faith, trust, and acceptance. To them, "God" is the correct answer for any question and of course God IS better than anything!


Fenwick 5 said...

YAY that they chose God over the best cookie down in town:). Sounds like you are teaching them right!! So cute. Gidget:0)

Chrystal Murphy said...

How sweet! Funny, but sweet.

Sara said...

So cute! I love how easy it is for kiddos to trust and love Him. :)

jasonliberty said...

What a sweet conversation. If we all had faith like that can you imagine what could be accomplished :-)

Peter and Nancy said...

Those are some of my favorite moments . . . listening to my kids' conversations when they don't know I can hear them. What a good one you heard!
-- Nancy

Julie & Patrick said...

Wow...sounds like that is some pretty awesome cookie dough!!

Love the way kids' minds work!

Julie R