Monday, August 17, 2009

Summer's Over!

Well, I know that Summer is not officially over, but it is back to school time, so for all practical purposes, it is. No more swimming at my sister's house. :( It's time to get back in some sort of a routine, which with 4 children, is very important. :) The girls head off to elementary school, the boys and I head to the 2 day a week Parent's Day Out program at our church (which I am directing this year), and Daddy is back to teaching during the day and taking a Master's class 1 night a week.

We had Micah's first well check's been post-poned 3 times. :) He is doing well and is now 18 lbs. and 29 1/4 inches long. Although still not on the chart for North American children, he is growing and is developmentally right where he should be, so no worries! His immunizations he got in India did take, so we are picking up where they left off over there. Apparently he had the chicken pox at some time over there, so we get to skip that one. We still, however, had 3 shots today, with 2 more due next month. Needless to say, tonight I have a little bit of a cranky baby. :)


Peter and Nancy said...

Happy back-to-school! We find out who the kids' teachers are today, but don't start for another week-and-a-half. I just hated those shots appointments! For the first few, Anya Rashi always got a fever. Hope your sweet boy is feeling better soon!
-- Nancy

Fenwick 5 said...

Happy back to school to you,it is that time for us also!! Have a great school year.So glad that Micah is doing well!:)

Amy said...

I hope you get into a good routine. I can't believe summer is over.

Micah sounds like he is going great!

Julie & Patrick said...

Great to hear that Micah is right on target. It would be interesting to know how many of the other kids at the babies home had chicken pox too. You'd think with that contact, they all would have had it!

Back to school...ah one of my favorite and least favorite times of the year!!

Julie R

ColleenC said...

Hmm, never thought to ask about chicken pox I wonder if our doc did the titre for that?!

Happy back to school! We still have one more week and I'm totally dreading it! I'm also scared G will end up in one of the K/1 combo classes which I don't think will be good for him, ugh school worries again!!