He has also picked up two new words..."nigh, nigh" for night, night and "no." I guess he is hearing that one a lot since he is into everything...cabinets, drawers, trash cans, the toilet. He is also climbing anything he can get a foothold on. He is a little handful. Then he just looks at me with that grin that melts my heart and blows me a kiss. What a little charmer. :)
Yay for Micah!! :)
Let the fun begin! lol Great to see the progress!
Congratulations on this milestone! Have fun rescuing him from the toilet, etc.! There's a reason they're so cute at this age . . . so we don't mind how high-maintenance they are. :o)
-- Nancy
Great job walking and climbing Micah!!! This will keep your mama on her toes for sure :-) Sounds like you have a bundle of energy over at your house.
April :-)
How totally adorable. He's definitely a charmer.
Mobility!!! Great job, Micah! Amazing how quickly they can get from place to place AND how fast those little hands can get into mischief. Let momma's workout begin!
Julie R
So fun and so glad he continues to do so well in your family!
Yay for Walking,you go MICAH!! Gidget
Ah- toddlerhood! Nothing is safe! Congrats Micah and get your runnin' shoes on Mama!
Go Micah!!!
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