Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Coffee and Adoption

One thing our adoption from India has given me is new friends. I have been able to communicate with women all over the United States and they have inspired and encouraged me before, during, and even after our adoption process. Most of these women are just names and pictures, but they have become a part of my life, forever, I hope!

One of these new friends is Kristi. She and her husband are on their third adoption from India and they could use your help. If you like coffee, or if you know someone who does, please have them check out this coffee company that she talks about below. I hope you are able to help and enjoy the coffee!

All of my Facebook friends...please help and spread the word! :) Jason and I are selling organic fair trade coffee to raise money for the last $3,500 of our adoption expenses for Ajay. $5 from each bag of coffee sold will go directly to Dillon Int'l, from the Just Love Coffee Company. Please spread the word, and post this on your status!!!!!
Go to: http://www.justlovecoffee.com/AjayArish


Sara said...

That's one of the fundraisers we're looking into. How fitting since Ethiopia is known as the "birthplace of coffee."

Kristi W. said...

Thanks, Candice for posting this. I just realized though that under his pic is the main website that doesn't link to our family page. Do u know how to remove that? It did that on mine and a lot of the FB posts and reposts.