Sunday, November 14, 2010

Just Because!

This is Micah's newest school photo! I can't believe he is growing up so quickly. He will do something and I'll say, "Good job, baby!" Then he is quick to reply, "I not a baby, Mommy, I Micah!" So true. My Micah is growing and learning so quickly. He is potty trained, speaking in clear sentences, processing everything in site, and beginning to have his own opinions about everything and not afraid to express them. This week he informed me that he does not like jelly on his peanut butter sandwiches. "I no like jelly on my butter, Mommy." Ok, then. Peanut butter only it is. :) Another new thing that just started last week is the "why" question. We hear it frequently now. If he is not asking us "why," something is a certain way, he is turning the tables on us. He asks me, "Mommy do you know why?" Then I answer, "No, Micah. Why?" His answer is always...Because! That's a good enough answer for me. It condenses everything into one simple word. So, Micah. Do you know why I love you so much? Because!


Julie & Patrick said...

Oh my gosh! SO so grown up!

I remember the why question oh so well. Exhausting, but in the best of ways!


Peter and Nancy said...

Such a great picture . . . with that pose, it looks like a graduation photo. :o)

Isn't it funny when they turn on a dime and no longer eat the foods they used to? Two of my kids have done that. Sounds like he is doing so well!

The Labontes said...

He looks so grown up! handsome and already so smart.

The Pfeiffer Family said...

I can't get over how grown up, Micah, looks in this photo. What a handsome boy! The "why phase" is always SO fun. Enjoy!

April :-)

Traci said...

I already saw you all this evening at a Dillon informational meeting in their slide show. What a treat to see sweet Micah again tonight!

Pam said...

SUCH a cutie!!! :)) MY Micah still hasn't "outgrown" the why question. His are just more and more sophisticated so that I'm not even sure of the answer! LOL! These boys of ours...such blessings!

Nikki said...

He is so beautiful!

I spent 6 weeks volunteering in India this summer, and am now fundraising for my work in Kenya, and to support an orphanage in India. I am doing this through $30 blog designs. I am reaching out to families who have or are adopting from India to let them know about this, as a fun way to bring in new readers to your blog, and a way to support India at the same time. Check out or I would love to hear from you by email if you have any questions, or if you simply want to talk India :)

