I love watching each of my kids as they are growing up, but we are all especially aware of Micah right now and he cracks us up. It has been so hilarious watching him grow and learn and even listening to him speak. He imitates everything we say. So, for the purpose of documenting some of his "lovely language" I will share some of my favorites right now.
- Maybe because he hears everyone else, but for some reason, Micah has started dropping "mommy" and "daddy" part of the time and he is calling us "David" and "Candice!"
- Sometimes we call our second daughter "Emma" and sometimes we call her "Emma Kate." Micah has picked up on that and he calls her "Emma Cake!"
- Micah has started counting to 10, but most times it is just...one, two, flee!
- We are anxiously anticipating the arrival of the new Veggie Tale movie "Sweet Pea Beauty," a veggie version of "Sleeping Beauty." Micah loves Veggie Tales right now, but this new title is a mouthful for him. The best we can get is "Sleepy Booty!"